Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Feeling a Bit Restless

So many life things have changed since our move last fall.  I knew they would, but I am still a bit out-of-sorts, not myself, working it out.
I left a full-time job, that I had worked for over 11 years.  For most of the past year, I have not worked and when I did it was part-time.  While I can usually find things to fill all those hours between Chris leaving for work and coming home, I will have the "stale" times.  It is during these times that I feel....wasteful, lazy, unproductive (just to name a few). 
Sure, I spent about a month studying for my Fitness Instructor certification.  I am also now studying most everyday for the Longevity Wellness Specialist certification. 
I spend time online:  Facebook, searching for our next rental in Denver, reading and sending emails, working on this blog, reading other blogs.
I am lucky to have access to a great gym full of fantastic women, where I have been spending more & more time recently.
I can even lay by the pool at our complex (only having done that once this summer).
I have the "professional wife" responsibilities, as well.  I certainly don't mind doing all of these things for us ~ I believe it is the way I should contribute to our family at this time.
Tho, there are days or moments where I feel like I'm a bit caged up.  I don't want to drive around aimlessly and waste gas.  I don't want to shop (because I just don't really feel like it AND I don't want to waste money).  I don't always want to sit at a coffee house.  Therefore, I try to stay home to "conduct my business".
Then, by the time Chris, who has been out of the house all day, to include an hour's commute each way, gets home, I am a bit squirrely!  I want to get out, but I don't want to make him feel like he can't just relax and has to always be on the go. 
I will make it through and I know that things are going to pick up, as I would like to finish my studies & test before my mom arrives.  For the next two weekends, we have volunteer events (Comic Con and Pride Fest).  Soon, my mom will be here for her long weekend visit (and I need to make & freeze a couple dinners beforehand).  I will fly back with her and spend the following week visiting my Florida family.  Next, I will have a one-day Kettlebell certification workshop.  Before I know it, it will be August ~~ and we really need to have secured our Denver place!
Thanx for letting me ramble.
I know I am very lucky to be living my life, exactly how it is unfolding.

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