Monday, March 24, 2014

The Fabulous Life???

Some women's lives are a juggling act, while others are a 3-ring circus ~~ they often keep everything afloat to my amazement and admiration.  And then there are the ones who seem to do just the fun stuff.
Whether I am working or not, I always have a house to clean, clothes to launder, groceries to buy.  When possible (or maybe feasible), we add in the fun factor. I doing something wrong?  What am I missing?  We don't have any kids, like these other couples.  Until our move, we both worked decent-paying full-time jobs.  We have taken vacations.  We have some retirement investments.  We have a savings account. 
Is it that we are too risk-averse?  Or, since we don't have a hereditary bankroll to fall back on, we aren't comfortable spending money willy-nilly?  Like the trapeze artist sans safety net under the big top in this scenario!
We are searching out the areas of Denver where we want to move in August.  We are mulling over how much we can downsize in apartment square footage.  Not moving into a home which requires yard maintenance was a big plus when we sold our home.  We want more time to do the fun stuff...not the "must" stuff.
Yet, are we?  Doing that?  The fun stuff???? 
Sure, yes, we have attended a couple concerts and discovered the cities around us in our new home state.  We've enjoyed several restaurants and breweries.  But, I still feel tied to responsibilities!  I know I am not the only one.  I know the ladies who are juggling career & family also have routine "To Do" lists and dreams of exotic vacations, crazy weekend getaways and/or successful self-businesses. 
I know I will never be utterly unencumbered, but I guess I am just envious of the one who goes out for food & drinks EVERY week, who indulges in one hobby after another, who doesn't appear to cook or clean or launder.  I suppose it all boils down to the adage "It takes a village," and the population in my village is 2 (well, 4 with the furry ones). 

It just leaves me curious...
and wanting to move into Sex and the City, where I can live the fabulous life in perfect 30-minute spurts!!!

What's that I hear?  Oh, right, I have a load of whites in the dryer!  Better get to it!

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