It's almost here.....the BIG 4-0 is less than a week away!
I am not scared of that number! I whole-heartedly embrace it! For me, moving from one decade to the next is very refreshing ~~ I like leaving behind one and beginning another. It's like emerging from my cocoon to be a butterfly each time!!
Besides, I have been mentally planning my 40th birthday bash for YEARS! Saturday, May 19, 2012, will be a flashback to the 1980's at Jennifer's Totally Awesome Birthday Bash!
A friend and I attended my first Beltane ritual at a local church. It was actually pretty cool. There weren't many people in attendance and that was okay. Neither of us knew what to expect, so we just followed along. I participated in my first Maypole dance! (I selected a purple ribbon, of course!) The gatherings are held at a Unitarian Universalist church. Chris and I are going to check out a church service one of the Sundays coming up (this weekend, maybe?). I would like to participate in the Summer Solstice ritual, too, and am hopeful that another friend can get in on the fun with us.
This past Saturday was a SUPER moon! The moon is my favorite celestial body and I look forward to each and every full moon. I only wish we had been in a large open area, so that we could watch its ascent as close to the horizon as possible b/c that is when you can see "her" at her biggest and most golden/yellow.
Chris & I took a dinner cruise in 2000 to celebrate our 8th anniversary. We were living in Florida at the time. The moon we saw that nite was the biggest I have ever seen! It was glorious! Very golden while it was at the horizon and then got white (and smaller) as it rose. We were one of the only people on deck to see it as the others were native Floridians and the November weather was far too cold for them...but perfect for us Midwesterners who just snuggled under a blanket with our cups of coffee! One might suspect that Mother Nature had given us this special anniversary gift herself! ;) At least, I like to think so!!

I treated myself to a facial (& massage) for an early birthday gift with money from my mom! (BIG thanx, Mom!!!) I hadn't been to my
favorite spa for this AH-MAZING facial in a couple/few years. Oh, how I missed it! My skin gets so clean from the steam and all the special stuff Jennifer, the
esthetician, applies specifically to my needs. She also massages my head & neck, then my hands and feet before putting them in these heated gloves and booties ~~ glorious!!! I want to have this pampering every month, alas, my bank account may not agree with me!!!
Another early birthday goodie is watching My Johnny in Dark Shadows tomorrow nite! What a doll he is for waiting to open this movie the Friday before my birthday! Ooooh, I love him so!
The rest of the weekend will be filled with some more party preparation stuff and, hopefully, buying the plants for our window boxes and my large potted planter. They look so very dreary this time of year and with the house up for sale, it is important to have everything "just so" for curbside appeal, you know?
Our little Kennedy Harper has her MRI today. Her movement in her right arm has much improved, according to my sister. I am hopeful that the reaction she had to her immunizations was temporary and that nothing is found on the MRI. I get to meet and snuggle the little goddess next month as I will be spending an entire week with my Florida family the beginning of June. I can't wait to see everyone!!! It seems much longer than only 8 months since I last visited! And our other goddess, Shyla Lynn, has just grown up so much since then ~~ I get to win her over, yet again! I heard her say my name the other day when I was on the phone with my melted my heart! I cannot wait to see her and speak with her and snuggle her and love her and eat watermelon with her!!! Oh, not only do I get to meet my niece, Kennedy, but also my GREAT nephew! Can you believe it? I turn 40 and then become a great aunt?!? The little guy will be freshly hatched as his due date is around Memorial Day.
I have been doing my 4 classes a week at LA Boxing for the past 2 1/2 weeks and I LOVE it! Even tho I am adding just one more class, I can totally see the difference in my body. I think I will just keep it up, as long as my schedule accommodates. Also, the circuit training that has been slowly incorporated into classes by a couple instructors makes a difference, too! It really works my body, my muscles, in other ways and will help push me beyond any plateaus!! The other nite, half the class did kickboxing while the other half did circuits and then we switched. It was a great change of pace and I hope they work that into the schedule soon. That being said, I am off to drink some more water and fuel up for class tonite (I am taking 1 1/2 classes, which I also did on Tuesday ~ yeah, I am that badass!).